100K Per Month on Amazon with Marine Veteran Paul Miller

102: $100,000 a month selling private label products on Amazon with Marine Veteran and Amazon seller Paul Miller.
Marine veteran Paul Miller was originally on Episode 47 of Veteran On the Move and is now back to tell us about his entrepreneurial struggles and how tough times eventually led him to success as he managed to sell $100,000 worth of products on Amazon in one month. Paul has been a long time entrepreneur and had many successes and failures over the years. Today he tells us about his most recent successful venture into the exciting world of private label selling on Amazon.
Paul is the producer of The Private Label Podcast with Kevin Rizer. Check out the podcast here and learn how to start your Amazon business.
The Veteran On the Move podcast has published over 100 episodes giving listeners the opportunity to hear in-depth interviews conducted by host Joe Crane featuring the people, programs and resources to assist veterans in their transition to entrepreneurship: Marine Corps, Army, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard veterans, DOD, entrepreneurship, business, success, military spouse, transition, education, programs and resources. Veteran On the Move has garnered over 500,000 listens verified through Stitcher Radio, Sound Cloud, Itunes and RSS Feed Syndication making it one of the most popular Military Entrepreneur Shows on the Internet Today.
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