Self-Publishing Vs. Traditional Publishing

Is self-publishing right for you? There is no right way to publish a book, and everyone’s situation and goals are different. There are different processes for fiction and nonfiction works, self-help and professional books also have different processes on their way to the public. In order to make the best decision, you need to understand the differences between self-publishing and traditional publishing.
Traditional Publishing
Traditional publishing is a slow process, and takes a lot of time. A finished manuscript can take years to become a book. You have to pitch your book to publishers or agents – and once a publisher buys your book, the actual process of producing the book takes at least a year. However, that publisher can also offer powerful marketing strategies to help your book succeed. It really comes down to your goals and the type of book you are looking to publish.
With a publisher, there are no upfront costs with traditional marketing – aside from the cost of your time to write the copy. You are likely to be paid upfront if your work is accepted by a publisher, which can be lucrative if you plan on publishing more than one book. If you have a good track record of high sales with that publisher, the higher your payment will be for future manuscripts.
When you work with a publisher, especially as a new author, there is some loss of creativity control. This may not be a bad thing, however. Remember that publishers and editors make a living selling successful books – they know what is more likely to do well in the major stores. If you’re not feeling comfortable with marketing and distribution practices, traditional publishing may be worth the effort.
Self-publishing requires more time on your part, but that can also mean that you get your published work sooner than you would with traditional methods. You are responsible for writing the copy, editing the work, sending to a printer, marketing, and distribution. With new tools through Amazon and Createspace – this process is much easier than it has been in years past.
Again, self-publishing differs greatly from traditional publishing in the cost department. You are responsible for paying to print your book, and to market the book. This can be up to thousands of dollars, however online options for eBooks are changing the high cost of publishing. It is worth your time to thoroughly research the cost to publish a book yourself. Remember: Self-publishing is just like running a business, expect to wait a bit before you see a profit. Strategy and persistence are key to success.
A major benefit of self-publishing is having full control over the process. However, complete control also means complete responsibility. You need to familiarize yourself with the entire process, and be prepared to troubleshoot where needed. If you feel unprepared on certain elements of the process, you can hire consultants or temporary support, like an editor or a marketing consultant, to help you get the book in publish-worthy shape.
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I’m in the process of writing my first book – scary and exciting! Thanks for this great info!