Command Your Transition with Coast Guard Veteran Travis Collier

127: Travis Collier has spent his career immersed in the Coast Guard’s military training system. He holds a Master’s in Instructional & Performance Technology from Boise State University, has trained over 650 foreign nationals in 19 nations, led three of the US Coast Guard’s apprentice training programs (including the culinary training program), and helped develop small boat engineering and coxswain training programs for the Republic of Georgia Coast Guard.
Travis recently returned from deployment to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where he developed a comprehensive training system to help the Kingdom train and equip a new 5,000 soldier, critical infrastructure protection force.
Travis is current a Port State Control Officer, stationed in the Port of New Orleans.
– Command Your Transition
– I have to be the result that my clients want to be
– Social Capital is crucial
– Make it on the outside
– Start now on your transition
– Check out Travis’ first book Scale
The Veteran On the Move podcast has published over 100 episodes giving listeners the opportunity to hear in-depth interviews conducted by host Joe Crane featuring the people, programs and resources to assist veterans in their transition to entrepreneurship: Marine Corps, Army, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard veterans, DOD, entrepreneurship, business, success, military spouse, transition, education, programs and resources. Veteran On the Move has garnered over 500,000 listens verified through Stitcher Radio, Sound Cloud, Itunes and RSS Feed Syndication making it one of the most popular Military Entrepreneur Shows on the Internet Today.
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