The Cohen Veterans Network, a not-for-profit philanthropic organization, was created to serve them by providing high-quality, accessible, and integrated mental health care. Jean Marie Dillon is a Certified Financial Planner and Accredited Financial Counselor. She provides nationwide, sales-free financial counseling and planning services. Today, she is an expert in coaching service members and veterans to…
Sapphire Pavilion by Dave Grogan Previously a Navy Judge Advocate, Dave Grogan has had his fair share of court-martial cases for which he prosecuted and defended. He’d gone to many places and shook hands with people from all walks of life. Now, he weaves history, international intrigue, and military experiences into the Steve Stillwell legal…
Haven Lock with Alex Bertelli Army Veteran Alex Bertelli invented the Haven Lock following his experience in the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment. He got the idea from how Iraqi insurgents would barricade their doors against US forces. “We kinda grew our business from essentially zero to where we have it now just by never…
Lifestyle Apparel Co. Unyte with Josh Duntz Active Duty EOD Technician Josh Duntz is the CEO and Founder of UnyteCo, a lifestyle clothing company. But it is more than a just brand; it’s a movement. He hopes to run it full time once he separates from the Navy at the end of 2019. “When you…
Marine Corps Veteran Brent Haynes is the President and Founder of the freedommaid Franchise Group. His years of hard work, career struggles and wins all paid off as it led him to start his own successful business. Their team of house cleaning professionals is set to help give you back the life you want by…
A you a veteran
in transition?

About your host
Hi I'm Joe Crane a 24 year Military Veteran and the founder and host of the Veteran on the Move podcast. I'm here to help you transition successfully from the military to entrepreneurship. I look forward to supporting your journey by providing you valuable resources and inspiration.