Navy Veteran, Actress, Advocate with Jennifer Marshall From the Navy to the entertainment industry, Jennifer Marshall inspires others with a winning attitude for success. Now, you can watch her on the Netflix series “Stranger Things”. Learn about her story here on this episode of Veteran on the Move. “As Veterans, we can do anything we…
Marine Corps Veteran Aaron Serrano – Military Cost Cutters Discounts for the military community? Marine Corps Veteran Aaron Serrano is the Founder and CEO of Military Cost Cutters, a company which helps the military community search for military-friendly businesses. “Military Cost Cutters provides an easy way for [businesses] to be in front of…
Robert Pizzini – iFly Skydiving Va Beach | Ep. 212 Robert Pizzini used his 26 years of experience in the Navy to start an indoor skydiving business. He is the Managing Partner and Chief Executive Officer of iFLY Va Beach Indoor Skydiving. He began to develop iFLY Va Beach Indoor Skydiving in 2010, bringing this…
211 Alyssa Quinn – High Caliber Community Alyssa Quinn is the founder and CEO of High Caliber Community, the app for Veteran connections. All founders of High Caliber Community (HC2) are veterans, or currently serving. The mission at HC2 is to empower and unite the veteran community by strengthening bonds in neighborhoods across the country.…
210 War Horses for Veterans with Patrick Benson After years of combat, veterans can be left with specific issues which — if untreated — could keep them from pursuing their goals and enjoying the life they have. But, did you know that horses can help through the healing process? In this episode, hear about War…
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About your host
Hi I'm Joe Crane a 24 year Military Veteran and the founder and host of the Veteran on the Move podcast. I'm here to help you transition successfully from the military to entrepreneurship. I look forward to supporting your journey by providing you valuable resources and inspiration.