Jump Start Your Business with Army Veteran Brian Richardson Founder of Vetlaunched

  • Jump Start Your Business with Army Veteran Brian Richardson Founder of Vetlaunched

109:  Get your business launched with VetLaunch.

“Professionals have coaches. Amateurs don’t.”

-Robert Kiyosaki

Brian Richardson is a business coach and the founder of VetLaunched.com. As an entrepreneur and fellow veteran, he understands the processes needed to build and grow a business. His other businesses have involved financial services, a business newspaper, BBQ, and loss prevention. Working on business strategy is what gets him up in the morning!


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I help veteran-owned small businesses build or tweak their value propositions and business model strategies so that you can attract, keep and profit from the right customers.

Your business is far too important not to succeed.
Too often I have seen great intentions, viable businesses and meaningful ideas get swallowed up by the details of business. A lack of proper resources and tools…not knowing where to turn for answers…being given vague or blanket advice can all lead to a business failure.

I believe that given the proper tools, resources and support…you will be able to grow your business and live the life that you set out to create. Your passion and determination are required, but we’ll assume you already have that. Now let’s fill in the gaps.

My own story has taken lots of paths, and rarely in a straight line.
The military, financial services, newspaper publisher, senior services (a big fat failure), a glorified BBQ hobby and a loss prevention company (with and without partnerships)…all before starting to coach entrepreneurs like you.

That might seem like an oddly diverse background…but that’s the great part! I am thankful for that diversity because all of them have had varying degrees of technology, uniqueness, difficulty and enjoyment.

Get the Jump Start Course

The Veteran On the Move podcast has published over 100 episodes giving listeners the opportunity to hear in-depth interviews conducted by host Joe Crane featuring the people, programs and resources to assist veterans in their transition to entrepreneurship:  Marine Corps, Army, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard veterans, DOD, entrepreneurship, business, success, military spouse, transition, education, programs and resources.  Veteran On the Move has garnered over 500,000 listens verified through Stitcher RadioSound Cloud, Itunes and RSS Feed Syndication making it one of the most popular Military Entrepreneur Shows on the Internet Today.

Joseph Crane

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