Using Military Lessons Learned to Capture Organization's Knowledge Marine Veteran Bill Brown Secutor Solutions

115: Bill Brown was commissioned in the Marine Corps after graduating from the US Naval Academy in 1993. He spent 7 years in the Marine Corps as a platoon commander and intelligence officer before entering the civilian world in 2000.
Since that time he has worked primarily as a program and product manager in the software development discipline.
Bill has had the opportunity to work in a variety of industries, including Knowledge Management, Insurance, Healthcare, Aerospace and Defense. Working across these industries as both an employee and consultant with over 14 companies has allowed him to observe and interact with many leadership teams and operate within a variety of business processes. Through this experience he has had the opportunity to lead amazing teams that built, launched and supported 5 different products.
Bill is currently the founder and product manager at Secutor Solutions whose specialty is engaging technology with their Lessons Learned Database to bridge the gap between the areas of project management, operations management and knowledge management to drive higher rates of business success and greater organizational awareness.
Have you ever attended an after action review, retrospective or other recap of an important project, event or training and wondered how the important lessons were captured and made available for use in the future? Most often this information is lost as soon as the meeting is over or is never recalled for future use. The Secutor Solutions’ Lessons Learned Database provides a repository in which this knowledge can be captured, maintained and searched for future use.
The Veteran On the Move podcast has published over 100 episodes giving listeners the opportunity to hear in-depth interviews conducted by host Joe Crane featuring the people, programs and resources to assist veterans in their transition to entrepreneurship: Marine Corps, Army, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard veterans, DOD, entrepreneurship, business, success, military spouse, transition, education, programs and resources. Veteran On the Move has garnered over 500,000 listens verified through Stitcher Radio, Sound Cloud, Itunes and RSS Feed Syndication making it one of the most popular Military Entrepreneur Shows on the Internet Today.
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in transition?
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