Episode #28: Marine Pilot Steve "Luker" Danyluk is the Founder of The Independence Fund and Provides Track Chairs to Wounded Warriors

Luker is a professional airline pilot with a total of 32 years military service, both active and reserve. He founded The Independence Fund in 2007 after leaving a position in Washington DC where he worked issues for service members and the family members of severely injured veterans. The initial goal of The Independence Fund was to purchase one high tech wheel chair for a severely injured veteran. In the past year, the fund has provided more than 500 chairs.
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I am, still trying !..to get a…”Action Track Chair !.”.. Disability 100%…Parapleic. Injured in..Vietnam…1968. ( Spinal Cord ).
I need…..Document;…DD 214 ?…ONLY ?…..” And also..Document,..saying..100 %..and that I am a …Paraplegic ?…..( TWO FORMS , TOTAL ) ? TO UPLOAD. ???
972 259 1948
I will forward your info to Luker. I did not see this post until now. I apologize for not responding sooner.
If you would like to apply for a track chair please apply at:
Please Help the Patriots Clinic Oklahoma City, they are the only free Hyperbarick Chamber Therapy for veterans around and the silly landlord is wanting 11,000 after they just moved in and have fixed the building for people to enjoy and bring children with autism like my son and police and firefighters as well! about thirty people want to use the facility eachg week! They need any donations by Monday that can be raised! Prayers of course. All the vets are so kind there and want to help clean and give there service of course! We are going to give and have given in the past. They have just started getting the mail started for fundraising and the lady working on it is of course a wonderful lady! https://www.facebook.com/thepatriotclinicsinc