5 Skillshare Classes You Need to Take

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As an entrepreneur, you’re no stranger to wearing multiple hats to keep your business running day in and day out. Sooner or later, you’ll likely face a task that falls outside of your area of expertise Fortunately; you don’t have to rely on guesswork to add to your skill set. Websites like Skillshare offer video classes that are easily palatable for the layperson on many topics related to business.

Skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of classes in design, business, tech, and more. The website is designed for the general public looking to expand their knowledge base in various areas, network with peers, and discover new opportunities.

The Staples of Branding: Building a Company from Purpose to Product

If you’re looking for inspiration, check out this course from street wear icon Jeff Staple as he shares first-hand experience and advice for building a brand from purpose to product. In the course, Staple covers redefining your brand name and slogan, the philosophical, technical, and legal considerations that go into logo creation, and telling a story with your product. This is particularly valuable for entrepreneurs in the retail industry.

Presentation Essentials: How to Share Ideas that Inspire Action

Have a big speaking engagement or big pitch coming up? This is a great class for you. Simon Sinek – a thought leader whose TED talks have reached more than 20 million views – shares his secrets for giving a presentation that audiences love, remember, and repeat. Creatives, professionals, conference speakers, and those who struggle with public speaking will find this class useful.

Introduction to SEO: Tactics and Strategy for Entrepreneurs

An understanding of digital marketing is a must for today’s entrepreneur. In this class, Rand Fishkin – founder of Moz – shares actionable insights and tactics for optimizing your content and organically raising the online presence of your business. This class is perfect for entrepreneurs, small business owners, startups, freelancers, junior marketers, web designers, and copywriters eager to brush up on their skills. No prior experience or skills required.

Fundamentals of Google Analytics

Confused by your website stats? This class is for you! Google Analytics expert Jeff Sauer discusses understanding user demographics, setting custom goals based on visitor behavior, using segments and content groups to understand your users, tracking campaigns and search terms for insight into traffic sources.

Getting Started with Email Marketing

Allyson Van Houten of MailChimp teaches how to create an effective email marketing strategy for your business in this class. If you are not sure where to start with your email campaigns, this is a great option for you.

Veteran on the Move followers receive a special offer on Skillshare – click here to get two months of Skillshare class access for only $0.99!

Joseph Crane

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