I first learned the term “Get in the fight” as a young lieutenant. I was a new attack helicopter pilot still learning my aircraft and all the tactics that went along with it. In my case, when we would arrive on station to provide close air support to a Forward Air Controller (FAC or JTAC)…
Read ArticleAre you ready to start your Entrepreneur journey? One of the first things you need to do is create a legal business entity. I’ve created a step-by-step video for you to learn how to form an LLC in only 7 minutes! If you have any questions please email me here or leave me a message…
Read ArticleThe short answer is YES. As universities continue to create and expand their entrepreneurship programs the big question that always comes up is, “Can Entrepreneurship be taught?” Some think it’s a natural born talent. That is understandable since there are always some people that seem more inclined to do better at certain things. But this trend in…
Read ArticleA you a veteran
in transition?
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