Bastards’ Road With Jonathan Hancock 

By VOM | July 5, 2021 | 0 Comments
Jonathan Hancock. Veteran On The Move

Marine Corps combat Veteran Jonathan Hancock came by the show to share his story that was documented for a feature film called Bastards’ Road. Bastards’ Road is an award winning documentary recounting Jon’s 6,000 mile walk around the country. Jon decided to take this journey in 2016, after he had attempted suicide and was struggling…


Opportunities For Veterans As a Franchisee

By VOM | June 28, 2021 | 0 Comments
Michael Arrowsmith, Veteran On The Move

Michael Arrowsmith, the Chief Development Officer of Pinch A Penny Pool Patio Spa, came on the show to discuss franchises and the opportunities they offer for veterans looking to start their own business. Becoming a franchisee can be a good fit for the veteran entrepreneur because they provide training and processes, to be combined with…


Restore Hyper Wellness with Jim Donnelly

By VOM | June 21, 2021 | 0 Comments
Jim Donnelly, Veteran On The Move

Jim Donnelly, Army Veteran and CEO of Restore Hyper Wellness, came on the show to share his entrepreneurial journey. Building off his military experience, Jim worked for several major corporations, refining his knowledge and creating a solid foundation. After running his own successful internet travel company, Jim did not want to re-enter corporate America. After…


Living a Life of Purpose with Wes Woodhouse

By VOM | June 14, 2021 | 0 Comments
Wes Woodhouse, Veteran On The Move

You finally made it! You’ve landed that dream job but now you might be asking, what’s next? You could settle for the status quo or continue to grow and live a life of purpose. I had the opportunity to talk with Wes Woodhouse about going beyond your dream and finding your purpose in life. This…


Five Roads to Victory with Joe Evangelisti

By Joseph Crane | June 7, 2021 | 0 Comments
Joe Evangelisti, Veteran On The Move

Do you have the tools to overcome roadblocks that are preventing your business from growing and thriving? Join us as we talk with Joe Evangelisti, a former US Navy SeaBee, who now runs three successful businesses. Joe shares his transition story and how he was able to build a business that fit him and his…


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About your host

Hi I'm Joe Crane a 24 year Military Veteran and the founder and host of the Veteran on the Move podcast. I'm here to help you transition successfully from the military to entrepreneurship. I look forward to supporting your journey by providing you valuable resources and inspiration.



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