Vetpreneur Tribe with Lane Belone

By VOM | January 18, 2021 | 0 Comments
Vetpreneur Tribe

Today we’re speaking with Army Veteran, Lane Belone, cofounder of Vetpreneur Tribe. Lane speaks about how his Army career started after playing rock-paper-scissors between choosing college or the military. He discusses his time in the Army while in the special forces and his transition to the civilian world. He goes into depth about how he…


GoatGuns with Brad Lunt

By VOM | January 11, 2021 | 0 Comments

Today we’re speaking with Brad Lunt, owner of GoatGuns. Brad speaks about how he got started in entrepreneurship as a teenager selling products on eBay and how that rolled over into being the owner of GoatGuns. GoatGuns stands for “Greatest of all Time” and GoatGuns are authentic die cast metal miniature models. Brad speaks in…


Soldiers to Sidelines with Craig Mulligan

By VOM | January 4, 2021 | 0 Comments
Soldiers to Sidelines with Craig Mulligan

If you’re transitioning from the military and have a love for sports then this is an episode you do NOT want to miss! Today we’re speaking with Army Veteran, Coach Craig Mulligan. Craig served in the infantry and speaks about his exciting military career. He speaks about his transition from the Army and how he…


VetCor with Paul Huszar

By VOM | December 28, 2020 | 0 Comments
VetCor with Paul Huszar

If you’re transitioning from Active Duty, then this is a great episode for you! Today we’re speaking with Army Veteran, Paul Huszar, CEO of VetCor and Team VetCor. VetCor is a restoration company focused on creating meaningful and sustainable employment opportunities for veterans, while Team Vetcor is a holding company composed of several companies focused…


EF Overwatch with Mike Sarraille

By VOM | December 21, 2020 | 0 Comments
EF Overwatch with Mike Sarraille

Today we’re speaking with Marine and Navy Seal Veteran, Mike Sarraille, CEO of EF Overwatch. EF Overwatch is an executive search and talent advisory firm and leadership consultant with Echelon Front. Mike speaks about his exciting career that started off in the Marines and ended with him as a Navy Seal. Mike speaks about his…


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About your host

Hi I'm Joe Crane a 24 year Military Veteran and the founder and host of the Veteran on the Move podcast. I'm here to help you transition successfully from the military to entrepreneurship. I look forward to supporting your journey by providing you valuable resources and inspiration.



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