129: Cody McGraw is from Portland, Oregon. Raised in a family business, he got a lot of his entrepreneur skill sets by watching his parents operate their catering company. He graduated college from a private university near Chicago called Olivet. He got his B.S. degree in Mass Communications and a Minor in Military Science. Cody…
Episode 128: George Hudson is a former United States Air Force sergeant turned software programmer. The military taught George leadership, organizational skills, and the importance of continuous professional training. He made the switch to computer programming to spend more time with his family and open the door for more opportunity. George launched Kids Who Code at the Turing School of Software and…
127: Travis Collier has spent his career immersed in the Coast Guard’s military training system. He holds a Master’s in Instructional & Performance Technology from Boise State University, has trained over 650 foreign nationals in 19 nations, led three of the US Coast Guard’s apprentice training programs (including the culinary training program), and helped develop small boat…
126: Marine Veteran Chris Albert founded Warrior Soul to inspire veterans. Shirts that inspire you and others to be the best versions of themselves. After leaving the Marine Corps in 2005, Chris says he was “hiding from his own dreams” and stayed in school working towards his PHD. Eventually, after a lost decade, Chris deciding…
125: An accomplished military officer, entrepreneur, and self-taught developer, David is the Founder & Executive Director of Operation Code, a coding 501(c)(3) nonprofit that helps active military, guard & reserve citizen soldiers, veterans and their families learn to code and build software to change the world. After a decade of service in uniform, David founded Operation…
A you a veteran
in transition?

About your host
Hi I'm Joe Crane a 24 year Military Veteran and the founder and host of the Veteran on the Move podcast. I'm here to help you transition successfully from the military to entrepreneurship. I look forward to supporting your journey by providing you valuable resources and inspiration.